Thursday, December 29, 2005

And We're Back To the Drama...

There's been Drama here on Geriatric Court and I'm smack dab in the middle of it. Only because I was the only one brave...(stupid?)...enough on Monday to go find out why elderly Mrs. M had yet a third ambulance in front of her house in two days. Thank God I did, because she needed help. I can't explain now - I have to go to bed and tomorrow after work I have to take her to the hospital to visit her 88 year-old boyfriend who has had a stroke. She hasn't seen him since she found him lying on the kitchen floor on Christmas Day. :(

Do I find the Drama.......Or does the Drama find me?

I'll try to update this weekend.



Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You are a good person and these good deeds will someday be repaid to you. Hopefully in the form of frosty beverages. This seems to be drama not of the poor dear's own making. So I'm going to vote it acceptable drama.

Candi said...

Oh, you went knocking on Drama's door, but I agree with Annie, it's acceptable drama.

Hai Hai to frosty beverages, though!!

Paige said...

Why don't you two just come over and I'll power up the blender. I LOVE (and deserve) a Frosty Beverage!