Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rain, Rain, Go Outside

Remember THIS? When my house was leaking from the third floor onto the second?

This week it's leaking from the second floor onto the first.


About a week ago Mac noticed that there were "funny lines" around the can light in the basement. The dad investigated and found that it was water. Water. In the light. Sooooo not ok.

So he unscrewed the lightbulb and let it be. (He was busy.)

Then a few days later, it started raining from another nearby light. After I did the dishes on the 2nd floor. And then again after Dillon flushed the toilet on the 3rd floor.

So the dad cut a hole in the ceiling, exposing a teeny-tiny copper pipe with a drip hanging precariously off the bottom of it.

And put a bucket under the drip.

For a couple days.

But now he has a clamp on it...

...and it seems to be working. But for how long is anyone's guess and regardless, I still have a big-ole nasty hole in my ceiling:


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