Tuesday, November 29, 2005

In the Nutshell

Roll back to last Tuesday:

Eleven hours with 3 others (yes, they are the 3 others whom I love most in this world, but Damn!) in the cab of the truck. Sit for one hour in the parking lot of Cabela's in Wheeling waiting for Tater and Dillon. Sleet in the mountains.

Wednesday, Thursday (9 degrees at home, by the way), Friday, Saturday, Sunday:

Cook, do dishes, eat, do more dishes, congratulate Dillon for killing his first deer. figure out why the 4-year-old niece is pissed, visit friends at neighborhood bar, break up a sister-fight, eat, shop, drink Starbucks, congratulate Tater for killing another deer, eat, figure out why the 8-year-old niece is pissed, shop, eat, be extorted by the 5-year-old niece, make jewelry, watch Elf, eat, shop, pack.


Eleven hours in the cab of the truck with same 3 others. Fog in the mountains, rain after. Unpack. Go to Costco to buy a refrigerator to store all the murdered deer flesh.

Moral of the story:

Before you spend 24 hours in the cab of a truck with your entire family, be Very ,Very sure that your marriage is Very, Very strong.

The end.

1 comment:

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You need a motor home. Built in fridge for murdered meat and tv. Plus a potty on the go. Unlimited snacking.