Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday Dog Blogging

Because on Fridays I clearly have nothing to say except, "WOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!! Pass the MARGARITA!!!", I decided to conform to Blogging Norms and join in Pet Blogging Friday. Not as scintillating as my Wednesday chatter, but better than nothing...?!?!?!

This is Taiko. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is a cat-dog.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit 2:

Exhibit C:

The animals in the photo below are technically not pets (if you INSIST on being 100% PC), but I found it while searching my photos for more Cat-Dog Evidence. These are my kids with Japan-Indiana jetlag during Summer 2003:

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