Monday, November 07, 2005

"It's Got Bows."

She opened the box and said, "It's got bows." She didn't know what "it" was yet, but she knew it had fuzzy bows.

I said, "It's a dress coat for you. From Wago (my mom)."

(Blank Stare.)

"You'll be really glad to have this when we go to the Christmas Concert at the Kennedy Center."

"Do I have to wear a dress?"

If she wasn't such a shit, she'd say "thank you, Wago", but as she is (a shit), I'll have to say it for her until she has to get dressed up and then feels like a princess getting off the Metro, in the City, wearing her new jacket.

Thank You, Mama! I love you!

1 comment:

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

She needs a matching hat, bag, and shoes. All with fuzzy bows.