Thursday, December 04, 2003

"O, Christmas Tree"

I put up my Christmas tree today!!!!! :)

I just LOVE when my house is all decorated for the season. And Christmas music is playing in the background. And twinkly lights are framing the windows. And hot cocoa is warming in the kettle. And the neighbor is mowing his lawn...

YES!! Mowing his lawn. We've had a couple of warm days lately (it was 65 on Tuesday) and the grass is still growing. (And of course I promised Dillon that 3 weeks ago he had mowed for the last time. LIAR!) I wanted to run right out there and tell him to cease and desist immediately because he was throwing off my holiday buzz. But, being the wuss that I am, I just turned up Johnny Mathis and "Jingle Bell Rock"ed my annoyance away.

Our friend Hiroko came tonight and helped us. I assembled (yes, of the perks about living in Japan is that you have to have a fake...) the tree and put the lights on this afternoon and then she and Noodle actually did most of the ornament hanging (Hiroko commenting, "Sooo many ornaments!"). They did a beautiful job, even if my tree looks WAY overdressed. I have enough ornamentation to adorn our usual 10 footer in the States and I can't bear to leave any of them off, sooooo...too many ornaments on one tree. Is there such a thing?

Usually I only like white lights on my tree and have for about 10 years. Bit every year, Tater asks me when we can have colored lights again because they are more festive. Well, this year was the year. I went and bought 4 boxes this afternoon, and 1 hour before Hiroko got here, all 4 boxes were on the tree with about 18 inches left bare at the top. What else was there to do??? I got BACK in the car and went BACK to the store. Bought 2 boxes. Now we have 1 box too many.

My Tater-man is still at work. He is going to run himself into the ground. Since October he has been working 17-ish hours a day, 6-ish days a week. BUT, he is happy, so who can argue with that??

I'm going to wrap things up here and head on up to bed.


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