Monday, December 08, 2003

Freaked Myself Out...

8:00pm. Kiddos sent up to bed, kitchen cleaned up and dishwasher running, Christmas lights are on and Christmas music is playing. Nice.

Praise and Hallelulia, my house was NOT a mess this morning!!! It usually seems to look as we have just survived an earthquake every Monday morning. I'm not really sure what the gravitational anomolies are in my house that allow things to be taken out and not put away from Friday afternoon through Sunday night, but this week I have seemed to have cracked the code. I woke up this morning, sent the baby-girl off to school, surfed the net a bit and then just plopped myself down on the sofa to enjoy Dr. Phil in my clean, quiet house. It was so nice, I had issues dragging myself up at 11 to do SOMETHING...ANYTHING...

I just realized that Christmas is only......17 days away...OH MY GOD!!! I am completely unprepared for it this year. Usually by now I am good to go, with Christmas and birthday presents bought and wrapped. (Someone did such a poor job planning her pregnancies that both of her kid's birthdays are right after Christmas.) This year has snuck up on me. I haven't even considered Christmas cards! I'm starting to think that that will just be too much...

I've got to stop...I'm really starting to freak myself out!

Well, I guess I've got to go and do something productive towards that end, now...


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