Thursday, September 28, 2006


Do you have a mom?

If you don't, you should totally get one. They buy you stuff when you are grown up and you don't need it and can actually afford it yourself, simply because they have a coupon and see a duvet they think you'll like. Moms send you goofy postcards and then don't get mad when you post it on the internet for everyone to see. Moms drive 10 hours one way for the weekend just to see their granddaughters dive and swim when the outside temperature is 100 degrees.

Moms take you to the pool on their days off when they would rather be working in their garden. They sit on hard bleachers and endure hours of other people's kids only to see you perform 5 minutes of your own sport, and not very well, at that. They stay up late helping you with your homework after you've procrastinated too long, without saying a word. Moms let you have 15 girls over for a birthday sleepover because that's what you want.

Moms are great listeners and always think that you are the smartest kid around. They laugh at all your jokes and think everything you do is Genius. They believe you are the most beautiful kid in the world, even when your ears stick out or you have a big zit on the end of your nose or your arms and legs are freakishly short.

Moms cry with you when your world comes crashing down and stand by to help you build yourself back up. They stand behind you and support you when you aren't strong enough to stand on your own. They will push themselves beyond limits to help you when you are too worn to help yourself.

Today is my mom's birthday.

It's also the day I stop and recognize what an amazing mom she's been, how fortunate I am, and how lucky her grandchildren are to know her.


Life's Good said...

Your mother is a blessed woman in so many ways. She is also beautiful! Happy Birthday to Paige's mother.

sarah doow said...

Happy birthday, Mrs Mom - you sound like a star lady!

Brenda said...

OHhh... your mom and my mom share the same birthday month and only 5 days apart!! There must be a connection between great mom's and the month of September.

Happy Birthday Omm.

Irish Eyes said...

Omm sure got one pretty family for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Omm!!! Today (9/30) is my Mom's birthday. Great picture of all the kids too.

DebbieDoesLife said...

What a great post!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute. Happy Birthday to Paige's Omm :-).

Anonymous said...

I'm crying.. That's my Paige. Thanks to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Your mom sounds great.

Ericka said...

Forgive me for being so tardy. It's been a hellish week...

Happy birthday (belated) Omm!

And I don't know who that curly blonde is in the front of this picture---but I LOVE her! She oozes with personality!! Super-cute! (and that Mackenzie is a KNOCK-OUT!!!)

Paige said...

HA! Those 3 little babies in the photo are my neices, Sydney, Isabella, and Hannah. Isabella is the curly-head and she doesn't just ooze personality, she explodes with personality.

She just tolerates me... she LOVES Dillon. Can you tell?