Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New Car!

The day after you spend 11 hours driving yourself, two kids and a dog from Indiana to DC, what do you want to do LEAST of all in the whole entire world?

For me, that would be to go out and test drive cars for 11 hours. So instead, we test drove cars for 11 and-a-half hours.

We drove the Toyota Highlander, the Nissan Pathfinder, the Honda Pilot, the Subaru Piece-of-Crap, the Mazda CX-7, the Acura MDX... I think that's it. It came down to the Pathfinder and the MDX (but we weren't ready to give up on the Highlander and the Pilot). But after much debate and negotiating, we just drove home in this:

It's the Acura MDX. And after much wishy-washyness and reluctance to make a decision, we decided on the Light Blue one. First it was between the red and black. So the salesman had the red and black washed up for us. Then we got there and liked the light blue and sagebrush (a greeny bluey gray) but still couldn't decide. Finally, Mac got the deciding vote and Light Blue it is!

She is muy bonita and tres chic. Now she needs a name. I realize we just did this for Ole Bessy, but I need suggestions again...


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Since she was picked out by HRH, I think she should be the Ice Princess. Or Frosty? I don't know. I named the danged traveling journal, it's someone else's turn.

If you want to go with regular names, She looks reliable and sturdy but attractive, so maybe Gretel?

Candi said...

LOVE the car. Shaun is looking at the Toyota Matrix in what they call "Cosmic Blue" - Again, I will never be as Effeminate as my husband.

Names - With the light blue, I'm thinking maybe "Smurf"?

OH! Or "Babe!" As in Babe the Blue Ox!!!

Brenda said...

I've never named a car... but I do like the 'Babe' suggestion... but wonder how that will work in a conversation.

My boss names her cars. Last black cadillac escalade was Suzie. New white cadillac escalade is Crystal... cuz it has the pearlized paint.

Or you could use my word verification:

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Does it have to be a girl's name? How about Fritz?

Nina said...

My Mak says name it "Betty". She said, "Looks like a Betty."
Not bad.
My pick?
Blue, bixbie, the alliteration is perfect.
*English teacher talk - alliteration.*

Paige said...

I've got Lucy stuck in my head...