Wednesday, August 23, 2006

For Real. Happened.

As we passed in the hallway, Dillon asked me, almost as an afterthought, "Hey. Is pudding supposed to have these little balls of gelatin-like stuff in them?"

"Well....... Yes, if it's Tapioca."

"What are those little balls?"



"What'd you do? Throw it away?"

"Yeah, that's just gross. I don't like Tapioca."

Fast forward 90 seconds.

Dillon, "Taiko! Do you want a treat?"

Dog runs up, bouncing and sneezing, "Yes! Give it to me NOW! I want it! I like it! Give me a treat."

So Dillon puts the treat in his mouth and leans over as the dog stands on his hind legs to get it. Just as it looked like Taiko was going to get it all, Dillon bit it in half and ate his portion.

"Huh. These are good!"

And I just found a way to save money on dorm food next year.


Candi said...

I hear Pedigree makes a kick ass care package.

I thought Dillon was going to give Taiko the Tapioca. To think THAT was grossing me out...

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I have an uncle who used to eat the dog's biscuits. Dillon won't have any trouble finding sustinence in the dining hall. Unless it's all tapioca night.

Brenda said...


Nina said...

My oldest daughter, Mak, went into a PetsMart for the first time a few years ago and went right to the doggie biscuit buffet, where one can fill his or her own bag full of interesting treats. She smelled the vanilla flavored pretzel-looking twists and ate one. She had the same reaction. She thought they tasted great!
Perhaps they are soul mates. The wedding favors could be quite cheap!

Michelle said...

Yes, he should fare just fine with college caf food if he can handle that.

Paige said...

My nephew likes dog treats too. I've even seen him go get one out of the box and eat it. Nasty!!!!!!