"Uhhhhh, Mrs. N, this is Paige."
"OH! I thought you were my sister! But Good Morning, Sunshine to you anyway!"
And we laughed and I told her thank you as I really needed that today.
A few hours later I answered the phone, "C*********, this is Paige."
"Why aren't you at lunch?"
"I don't get a lunch."
"If you'll come work for me you can have a lunch."
For everyone keeping count, that's Roofer #2 that's trying to steal me away from my $14/hr ride down the River Styx.
Last night, Mac and I were reading on her bed. Tater was in bed early as he's on the early shift this week. Dillon was in the basement playing X-Box with friends.
I wondered where the dog was. He rarely wanders more than 10 feet from me but I just assumed the boys must have raided the pantry and he was hoping for some people food if he loitered around them long enough.
About 30 minutes later, I was completely engrossed in my book when I heard that doggie yelp - not a bark, but a yelp that says, "Hey, you forgot me in the backyard! (Or wherever)" But it was coming from the house. I started calling for him - in the bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room - and I heard another yelp. I followed the sound down another flight of stairs and heard him scratching at the laundry room door. I opened it and wagging his entire body out of the complete darkness, he was so happy to see me. The poor guy had patiently waited for me to find him, sitting, without a doubt, right behind the door for the half-an-hour before he decided we were idiots and needed a clue that our pet was stranded in the basement.
But he still loved us and jumped up on Mac's bed, licking her face and wagging his tail, grateful to be rescued while we almost fell off the bed laughing at his unfortunate doggie luck.
My bathroom has tile (some, anyway):

...Maybe another week???
Sticking with the upbeat theme, I am not posting any photos of my bedroom. It has an unacceptable amount of Home Depot products in it.