Tuesday, February 07, 2006

No, Thank You, Post

Here's the thing.

We've been here in DC for a little over a year. For most of that year, I kept thinking, "Hmm. I need to subscribe to The Post". But instead, I just kept putting it off (Paige M****, "Master Procrastinator") and occasionally picking up a paper and a dozen doughnuts on those odd Sunday mornings when I'd actually put on some clothes and drive to the store.

But last week I finally filled out that little card, "Bill Me", and sent it in. And they sent me a paper. So I added it to the unread pile of papers from the Previous Sunday, when I went to Giant and picked up a paper and a dozen doughnuts. Ate the doughnuts, left the paper.

But last night I read them.

And the only thing I found even remotely interesting was an article in "Parade" on Sarah Jessica Parker, an article on NRA classes for women, and the comics.

There was a section on the 5 Best Burrito Joints, but they were all too far to drive for just a burrito. There was an article on the best hair salons, but... seriously? have you seen my hair? There were 4 pounds of articles on politics or political leaders or children of political leaders (and which celebrity said children resemble - are they SERIOUS?), but otherwise, Snorapalooza.

I'm having buyers remorse. I haven't even gotten the bill yet and I'm bored to tears with what others in our Nation's Capital find riveting Sunday Morning journalism.

So now I wonder. Am I that shallow? That apathetic? I know other people, friends, who adore The Post. They are informed and current and can have scintillating conversations regarding public affairs. I can't and don't and don't really care. I can talk about books and movies and parenting. Blogging! And Apple and touring in Japan. Dogs, decorating, and jewelry-making. But not politics. Don't even bother.


Brenda said...

The newspaper, be it from any city, large or small, is only good for a few things. 1) to use as fire starter in the fire place. 2) to line the cage of a rodent. 3) to clean windows - I have not tried this one, but others swear by it. 4) to use as packaging filler. I call and cancel immediately!!! Think of all the trees you're saving!
~signed "A person living in a tree-hugger state" ~

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You can not care about the news online for free. Acquire just enough information to be a dilettante. Go get your dictionary, I'll wait here.

Candi said...

I just like the comics.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about The Post and The Sun paper here in my neck of the woods, so all we get is our local county paper. I'd just write please cancel on the bill and send it back.

John said...

You're joining the NRA?