Thursday, October 06, 2005

Making Out, OK/Sex, Not OK

Busted Dillon and his girlfriend making out last weekend.

I was taking her phone to her and as I rounded the corner they were both sitting up very, very, straight with their eyes bugging out of their faces.

But what really gave it away was her hair looked like she'd just been in a tornado.

After Dillon took her home, he sat down on the couch next to me and I got a big grin on my face...

" busted making out with Elaine*."

He just started laughing, "I KNEW you couldn't let that pass!"

Laughing, "Nope, it's too good... You can make out as much as you want. No sex."

"Yeah, I know."

End of Mother-Son Sex-Talk

*Name changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

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