Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fogging Up The Windows

Took a nap. Now I can see. Still have a dull headache behind my eyeballs.

The Scene: Monday night, dark, rainy, 45 degrees. Dillon is at a Powderpuff Football game but it's getting late.


Mom on cellphone...

"Hey, Honey! Did you forget to come home?"

"Oh, no... the game is still going on but we're freezing and wet so we're coming home. We're heading to the car right now. I'll take 'Elaine' home and be right there."

9:00 - 9:25

Mom, wondering: "Hmmm... school is 4 minutes away, Elaine lives 5 blocks away..."

9:30 The phone rings (and sends me into the auto-mom-response-to-a-late-night-phone-call-when-the-teenager-is-out-with-the-car: pre-panic)

"Hey Mom, I'm in our parking space, but there is a weird arrow lit up on the dashboard."

"A weird arrow?"

"Yeah, it's orange. It's right under the speedometer."

Mom, thinking...thinking..what could that be?.....................


"Were you making out in the front seat?"


"You hit the button for "winter mode". By the gearshift. Push it again."

Pause. "Yup, that was it. It's gone."

And he lopes in with a grin.

I love that kid.


Rebecca said...

You are good. It could be that criminology background oooorrrr when you where his age you were bad.......Bec.

Paige said...

A. Totally. He is Evolved. You two should go watch chicks together sometime...

B. Nah. He can't do ANYTHING I haven't already tried/done/invented.