Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dillon Grins

They've finally conceded to put Dillon on Accutane. It's been 3 doctors, 4 years, 8 medications, a face full of acne scars, and a fair amount of begging (...and a little whining thrown in for good measure).

It's a serious drug with serious (but rare) side effects, and I understand all of the implications and don't make this decision lightly. But Dillon has suffered 3 1/2 years of embarrassment and discomfort over his face and it's way past time for him to feel good about himself. He's handled this situation better than most kids, I think, and better than I believe I would have handled it at his age. But it's his turn. It's his turn to feel totally confident (though I'm afraid of THAT monster) as a 16-year-old kid in the scary world of 16-year-old girls, dating and dances.

So. Today we finally saw a Real Dermatologist and not another Navy Family Practician who would tell us to just try this "one more thing" before he refers us to a Dermatologist. He sat us down and explained all of the dangers and side effects, serious and minor. There is a workbook for Dillon to read and complete, he went to the lab for bloodtests, and we made an appointment for November 8th. If the bloodwork comes back ok, then we will get a prescription for 30 days worth of meds and then will have to see this doctor at Walter Reed each month thereafter for a check-up and a new prescription.

While the commitment is a tad overwhelming, a weight has been lifted off our shoulders. We drove home with smiles on our faces, a standing monthly date, and an acne-free future on the horizon.

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