Thursday, May 12, 2005

Construction: Not My Thing

Here's what I didn't do yesterday:

Here's what I helped do today:

For 11 hours.

We (and when I say "we", I really mean Tater - my main function has been sunscreen application, drink refreshing, holder of 2x4's, and general fetch-it-bitch) have been rebuilding this shed since Monday. It is NOT fun. It turns out that I don't like building things at all. First of all, there is lots of sawdust that flies around and gets in my eyes. The power tools are scary. The wood is heavy, and I have to touch it. (I don't like to touch wood and wet wood is the worst. I don't like the way it feels to my fingers - it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. I don't know why. It's just weird.) The parts never fit together properly, and you always have to cuss while constructing. Then there's the filler that you have to use when you leave a gap, followed by sanding (and I don't like to touch sandpaper either - ewww).

So. When Tater sent me to Home Depot yesterday, I came home with an armload of plants and did what I LIKE to do. Dig in the dirt.

Now, it's looking like this:

And this:

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