Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend At Candi's

About a week ago, I started to panic when I realized that while anxiously waiting for My Time Here To End, My Time Here To End snuck right up on me. I had about 4 weekends left, and about 3200 friends with whom I wanted to hang out. I added and re-added my remaining free time, but the math wouldn’t work out - there’s no way for me to do everything and see everyone I want to see before I go. But what I could manage to work out was seeing two different friends this weekend:

For the past 7 years, I’ve had this friend, Nicole. We’ve watched each other’s kids grow up, we’ve been there through each other’s moves, we’ve (along with Bec) rooted for each other through exercising, laziness, and thick and thin (literally, thick and thin). Unfortunately, we had never met. Until yesterday. She was spending the weekend with her sister about 40 minutes away and invited Mac and I to their family BBQ so we could finally meet in real life. And exactly as I expected, as was the case when I met Bec last summer, I felt like we’ve known each other for years. There were no awkward lulls in the conversation, no personality differences, no watching the clock, waiting until I could gracefully exit. It is a fact that you can meet a True Friend on the internet. I know because I did. Twice.

When I left Nicole’s sister’s house yesterday afternoon, I headed on down Southern Maryland to Pax River to see Jes (the Candi to my Brandi) and the Babies one last time. It always amazes me, how much we can find to talk about every time we’re together. Mac was with me this time and she was very patient with the little kids - you know how intolerant she can be with the preschool set. So the kids watched “Footloose”, the moms drank Caipirinhas, and everyone was happy. Until the next morning, that is. I woke up at 4am to vomit (I only had 2 Caipirinhas - it was not the booze), after which I felt fine, Mac woke up with her eyes crusted shut - when we finally pried them open, they were bright Pink.

And despite the massive wipe-down I did with the anti-bacterial wipes, I don’t expect to be invited back soon. (And thus the reason I’m risking life and limb by posting a photo of us. Hi, Jes, Love You!)

So as I type, we’re sitting in my bed, watching Season 3 of M*A*S*H, and being generally useless.

Welcome, Summer!!!


Candi said...

Seriously? In all the shuffling THIS couldn't get lost somewhere?

Paige said...

No, Baby. It is a sweet, sweet memory. (Besides the Pink Eye, that is...)

Candi said...

I simply meant the picture. I'm having a drink from my concoction maker all by myself. It's so sad :(

Paige said...

I know exactly what you meant. :) The picture makes me smile.

But you drinking alone makes me sad - I should totally come there.

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