Thursday, April 12, 2007

How Today Is Much Like A Rollercoaster

Some days you wake up, roll over, and decide that the whole day is warming up to be a huge, steaming slice of Crap Pizza. This is how I felt about this morning. So I wore my jeans, a t-shirt, a blazer (much like Ellen, nowthatIthinkaboutit), and my running shoes to work so as to be as comfy as possible (and in case I needed to make a quick get-away from The Crazies). As soon as I got there, my theory seemed to be proven right, as I got 2 Crazy Phone Calls right off the bat, was overwhelmed by all of my ToDo piles on my Disaster of a Desk, and only then realized I need to write upwards of 70 letters* by next Tuesday and have no time Monday or Tuesday to stay late. Before I could even dig my heels in, I got a call from ADT. My home alarm was going off. She asked if I wanted her to call the police. I told her no, I was 3 minutes from home, that I'd check it out. It wasn't until I was in the car that I realized how that may have been a little dumb. I did bring Wiley with me, though, and made him go in first. We investigated all the rooms. All was secure and we decided that Dog was the culprit when he set off the motion detector alarm (which I accidentally set). Oops. My bad.

*Why didn't I start these earlier, you ask? Duh. I did, but there is So Much To Do at work these days that they had to be shoved to the back burner as Other Things became priority. Unfortunately, now I'm up against a Legally Mandated Deadline so I may be there on Sunday writing them. Grrr.

ANYWAY, so I did get about one-third of the letters done (unfortunately, the easy ones), then talked Wiley into picking us up some lunch at "Chicken Out" (I had the Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap - mmm) while I started copying the Management Report for next week's meeting and silently lamenting the life of a lowly Secretary/Phone Answering Goddess/Customer Service Punching Bag. Halfway through my Inner-Voice-Tirade, in walks my friend Joe-the-Roofer with a Fruit Basket from Edible Arrangements just for me (yay!) (and on his birthday, no less) from him and Howard-the-Roofer. For thanks (and probably a little bit because I'm a big-fat-whiney-butt, but I'm not going to tell you about that). And it's amazing how a Basket-o-Fruit (WITH chocolate-dipped strawberries) will perk a girl right up! I was SO stoked that I stayed at work until almost 4, a tornado of industry, then came home, did all that paint-touching-up that I've been grumbling about, and even got one coat of paint on the front door. Yay!

I did NOT clean the carpets yet. Why, you ask? (And aren't you allsortsof inquisitive today?) Because the dog threw up on the carpet twice this morning and while I cleaned up the big ick, the stains are still there and I figured if I steam clean the carpets now, Murphy's Law dictates that he will barf all over it while I'm at work tomorrow.

Oh! Tomorrow! Do you realize that Tomorrow is Friday??? Yay! Thank God. And just in the nick of time, too.

(Note to self: Go to ABC store. Buy Cachaca. You're out.)

(And also, the next time you head to the land of Jes & Rachelle, travel WITH the Cachaca as they've never heard of Brazilian liquor down in them there parts.)

(OHMYGOD!!! I just realized! I'm moving to Indiana in just over 2 months! Have they heard of Cachaca in the Midwest? Oh. I'm dizzy.)


Brenda said...

1) Mail Merge for letters. Email me, I'll fill you in. It's a life saver! (How do you think we got the 11 million dollar project).

2) Chicken. Always a good choice.

C) Edible....with chocolate. LOVE IT!

3) Don't clean the carpets... not yet.

4) CACHACA!!!!! Love you for introducing me to this drink. Love you forever!

word verification eshkh... what is with these words?

Paige said...

1) I don't think it'll work. I have a basic template, but each letter is different and has to be tweaked by hand. Grrr.

C) I know! Joe and Howard rock. I love them.

4) Better than dessert. I frequently have one INSTEAD of ice cream or a cookie or something else sweet. Mmmmmmm. Nirvana.

Brenda said...

Mail merge would work. You would LOVE IT. It's a total WORD program with an EXCEL tweek. Trust me. After 50+ faxes all saying pretty much the same thing, minus and plus the particulars... it's a GODSEND!

I'm out of limes... I have to do vodka and cran/apple tonight. But, at least I'm getting my fruit.

Loving the new flikr pics. You have a wonderful taste for color.

Anonymous said...

It's not just Friday, it's FRIDAY THE 13TH!


Anonymous said...

This mid-west girl has not heard of Cachaca. I will be on the look out for it. If not, load up on it and I will drive down to Indiana and let you liqour me up!

My word verifictaion:

Ericka said...

I'm with Bec. I, admittingly, had to look at the link in your post to even know what Cachaca was. I think I'm already addicted to it?!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

A fruit basket from the roofer? Have you been flashing people again?

And I'd say stock up before you move. Better safe than sorry. Or is it sober? Better safe than sober?

Paige said...

I think it's "better drunk than sorry".