Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend At Brandi's

It was a pretty quiet weekend around here, and Dillon was working all weekend, so Mackenzie and I had to amuse ourselves with the camera. But not before we (meaning, I) commenced with Happy Hour:

See how happy I am on Friday Night?:

Mackenzie and I made a pizza and started clicking away with the camera, taking scads of photos that we choose not to share. Some of them were less than flattering, though fun to take. This one was borderline:

We crack ourselves up:

Saturday was the first beautiful day of Spring. Mac went to the school to play soccer with her friends, and I took a nice long walk. Then for lunch I had an apple:

There was some homework being done, and as Mac is terrible about picking up after herself, these pencils were left out on the table. I liked the colors enough to immortalize them:

Saturday consisted of more Household Separating/Home-Selling Preparation so by Saturday night we were exhausted and needed to chill out and watch Bridget Jones's Diary. Taiko seemed to enjoy it:

Sunday morning started a little slow around here:

I joined a Flickr Group - 52 Weeks - one shot a week for a year. Here's the first. Sunday morning, wet hair from the shower, no makeup:

And, it was warm enough today to go sockless for the first time in F O R E V E R:

I tried to change the time on Lucy, but I couldn't figure it out. So Dillon and I broke out the Instruction Manual. It told us to push the "Clock Button". I don't have one of those. Seriously. No button. And we pushed all the others Just In Case... no luck. I think it has something to do with the Navigation System displacing some of the buttons. Maybe they just forgot to put mine back. I wonder how many other calls the Acura dealership is going to get tomorrow...

(Edit for the Googlers today: Welcome! The clock can be changed by pushing the AC/Info button then push the touchscreen button in the top right corner, "More", which will take you to the next screen and you can change it there. And I figured it out all by myself. Dillon just didn't know there were more screens... :) )

Dillon's girlfriend stayed for dinner (pasta with scallops, sundried tomatoes, and mushrooms in a butter/white wine sauce and salad), and with Daylight Savings Time instituted, the weekend was over.


sarah doow said...

Taiko looks so cute - and have you noticed that the pic of the pencils is one of those optical illusion things that I can't remember the name of? The image seems to move as you scroll down. Which I'm sure was deliberate on your part.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girly...I just wanted to say hi and that you look gorgeous! Shoot me an email when you can. Our little girl is due in 4 weeks! Can't wait. Love you and miss you.



Annie, The Evil Queen said...

So did you ever figure out the clock conundrum?

Paige said...

Sarah~ You KNOW I intended for the Optical Illusion. I'm just crafty like that.

Cara! Incoming email...

Ali~ I have a couple of others you might like more. But pick one and I'll print it out for you.

Annie~ I did! D just didn't have the super-secret nav-system gouge. This is why I'm still in charge.

Anonymous said...

Are you SURE you don't want to come back to SD? I was 96 degrees here today.

You do remember it's only MARCH, right?

Anonymous said...

I'm a picture hound, haven't joined a Flickr group the black and white. Clean, as in the picture, not the just bathed - you know :-) . Beautiful.

And I truly long for the day when the words 'dinner is pasta with scallops' rather than 'low fat cheesy pasta or hot dogs ladies?'

Candi said...

No Socks - I'm holding my breath for cute sandals....

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Lovely map pencils! I love them so much that I turned my pictures of assorted pencils into a new banner. Check it out sometime. look better in wet hair than I do. Much better.

Ericka said...

I love your posts. They make me feel so normal. (that came out wrong...what I mean is that it's great to look at other people that struggle with the same issues as me...even the one drink a night. Single parent!! And I seriously don't think I would have made it thru some points in my life without an Adult Beverage at times!!!)

By the way, love the photos. I didn't know Flikr had groups like that. I do one every Friday on ! It's great fun! I loved the picture of the shoes--great image, and great shoes!

Hang in there!

PS. Another good flick you might want to try, is the Lake House with Sandra Bullock. I'd heard mixed reviews about it, but I actually liked it!

Nina said...

Wish I could have had the drinks on Friday night - it looks great.

And the dinner? I mean, whaddya tryin' to do, get the girl to marry Dillon? She knows what a great cook you can be, she won't ever leave...