Thursday, March 08, 2007

Looking For Nice Things to Say

You know how your mom used to say, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all"?

This is where I've been all week. I was damn busy with meetings and working late and knitting 2 scarves, and when I wasn't doing that, I was just avoiding the computer in general because it felt too much like work (which, of course, brought me back up to 81 emails in my inbox...). I just couldn't find the humor in anything, and everything seemed So Hard, making me So Tired. Yet, I wasn't sleeping. S-T-U-P-I-D.

But I'm feeling better today:
  • I finally paid my bills (which should have sent be back into a depression - now I understand that 'turnip-thing' people are always saying about money)
  • I FINALLY solved the Great Roofing Mystery at work
  • Tomorrow's Friday (and I have limes)
  • I talked to an old friend on the phone today (who always makes me feel sunshiney)
  • ...and to my sister (who always makes me laugh So Hard)
  • I started a book last night (only read 15 pages, but hey, it's a start)
  • I have my inbox back down to 26 emails (some of which I should just phone-call return)
  • I have 2 dates scheduled for April* (and I'm working on another)
  • and the temperatures are going back up (Yay, Spring!)
*NO, not Real Dates (like with a boy). Dinner dates (like with friends). Duh.

The Brandi-Parents are coming to visit for Spring Break and I'm really looking forward to that. I love my family and they always cheer me up. It's because they're a little bit Crazy. For reals.

I'm getting my hair highlighted*. That's exciting. It always makes me feel so SoCal and that makes me happy. (Until my roots start to show and then I curse the idea of haircolor manipulation. But then I remember that I'll be living at home with my own Personal Hairdresser at my beck and call and I get over it.)

(*Hey Mom, will you highlight my hair when you come? Mac's too? Thanks!)

All that's bugging me now is that I keep smelling men's cologne. The closest thing to a man in my life right now is the dog, lying in Tater's old spot on my bed. :) And he's nothing like a man. He's not even anything like a male dog...


Anonymous said...

Hey Brandi,
So how are you going to soak those limes, eh? hahaaha (devious laugh)

I need some limes in my life.

While we are saying nice things...I'll say this:
My middle daughter won two awards last night at her banquet - one for Miss Hustle on the basketball team and one for MVP in cheerleading. I'm proud of her. The middle child syndrome was crushed for one night and she basked in the limelight.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Ther eis a writer I love named Bailey White. I think she is on NPR as well. She has two books about her life, mostly living with her aging mother. It's the two of them alone with a bird. When she needs some phone lines moved, it is very expensive. The lady from teh phone company asks her if she doesn't have "Something like a husband" who could do it for her. She decides the bird doesn't cut it and moves them herself. And, really, Taiko is nothing like a husband either.

Paige said...

Baby~ I love you too.

Hey, Nina~ Caiphirana. Yum - 3 so far. :) And good for your girlie! She needs that.

Annie~ Along those lines: Fred is nothing like a husband either...

Brenda said...

First thing this morning, before my shower, I read what you had posted. Got to the men's cologne. Didn't think too much about it... until...I'm about to leave the house and... I smell... cologne?? men live here. Not even a male goldfish. And I only smelled it one place in the house. So... freaking out just a tad...go into different rooms... don't smell it.. mind you the heater had just come on... but... still, only smelled it upstairs... DUH!! Hello. I had sprayed my perfume on, on my skin--not clothes---and somehow, the smell went into the heater vent. It's not a manly smell, but when it went through the vent it came out sort of manly... What powers of suggestion you have!!