Thursday, May 08, 2008

Who is Tim? A Guest Post by Tim

I've only done this once before, a couple of years ago when I let Dillon guest post on Cartwheels. But we've had a special request by Rachael for more info about Tim. So I asked him to read her comment and here's what he wrote:

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." -Booker T. Washington

Who is Tim? The quote above says a lot about me. I have had my obstacles in life. Every one of them has a positive in it. Sometimes it's hard to find the positive but it's always there; we all have them. A son with autism has taught me what is important in life. When a little boy who can only say a handful of words looks at you at 6 am, and he waits 'til you look him in the eye and then says "HI," it teaches you that nothing in life is more important at that moment to him than you are. He may never say "Dad" but his love for you is unconditional.

That loud noisy band in your garage is annoying as hell. Be thankful those kids are out there and not out running around doing who knows what? Hearing a door slam at 1am means that your kids have made it home safe again. I wouldn't trade that door slam for anything.

I have told Paige many times that I have gone through a pile of shit to get where I am. I wouldn't trade where I am for anything in the world. My life is really good right now and getting better every day. There really is nothing I/We can't handle. Thank you to all of you that have helped her get through her pile. We have both come through it at the same time and growing closer every day, learning who we are and where we are going.

It's going to be good!!!


Paige said...

Thank you, Tim, for playing along. That was beautifully said. I feel like there is so much I'd like to add, but I can't even think where to start.

I am grateful that I was able to recognize what a gift you were offering at the time that you offered it. Without our amazing timing, I would have missed out on something Really Good. :)

Anonymous said...

You guys have me crying! Tim, thank you for sharing your heart with us and giving your love to Paige. The cyber world is a different place but our feelings are for real. We love Paige and are happy that you and your boys are in her life.


Anything is Possible said...

Tim- Thank you for sharing. I'm trying to type this while clearing away some tears right now. I completely agree with the quote you posted. I'm a stay at home mom who fights the inner demon screaming at me to get to work outside the home. I love my kids and wouldn't want to miss one single day of 'the good and the bad'.
I'm really glad you and Paige have found each other. She's a strong woman but we all worry about her and wish her all the best. I can now rest easy knowing the two of you are looking out for one another. I also look forward to many more Tim posts!!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't say it any better than Bec did, so ditto to what she said!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Okay, I officially put Tim in charge of Paige's birhtday this year. I am passing the torch Tim! You are obviously up to the task. Can't wait to meet you in person.

Paige said...

FYI - We share a birthday. He won't forget and we already are in the planning stages. :)

MaryB said...

You share a birthday? The EXACT same day???? Holy Cow! Fate!

BTW, I left adoring comments about you and Tim, but apparently Blogger lost them...aargh. In summary, you people rock!

Paige said...

We do share a birthday, but he's 2 years older than I am.

Thanks, everyone, for the nice words. He is a very special guy and I am very lucky to have found him.

Brenda said...

You one lucky duck.

Anonymous said...

Tim is my former friend. Omm

Brenda said...

'former' friend? You don't get to keep him as a friend, Omm?

Paige said...

Evidently, I stole her "talk in the driveway buddy" and now she has to talk to herself. She's not very happy about it.

On the other hand, since Dillon lives there in "Grandpa Jail," she always has him to talk to.

Anyway, Tim says that he is still Omm's friend.

Brenda said...

awwww...makes sense now.

'Grandpa Jail' - Love it!

Chris Cactus said...

Tim's a good sport. Great guest post!

Anything is Possible said...

Grandpa jail??? Does this have anything to do with the previous arrest incident?

Paige said...

Rach - It has EVERYTHING to do with "The Incident." :)