Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Wuthering Heights" - Rx For Insomnia

I've been slogging through "Wuthering Heights". It's a work I've been trying to read for twenty years, but have never made it past the first few pages. It's always likened to "Jane Eyre" and "Rebecca", both books I love and have read several times. But this book has me stumped. I'm not sure what it is. So far, I am about halfway through - Heathcliff has just returned after his 3 years disappearance, and Isabella has just admitted her love for Heathcliff to Catherine (BIG mistake).

I think maybe it's that I just don't care. Catherine is a spoiled, whiny bitch, and Heathcliff has a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas (Yeah, yeah, he had a crappy childhood, everyone was mean to him, Cathy rejected him...So what? Get over it already and move on!). I'd like to give them both a good wallop up-side the head and tell them just to run off together and don't look back as they certainly deserve each other.

Now, I'm sure we're both wondering why I don't just Stop Reading. It's because I can't. I've only ever stopped reading one book, and that was "Under the Tuscan Sun" (don't bother if you've seen the movie).

(For that matter, don't bother even if you haven't seen the movie.)

(Just buy the movie.)

Anyway, I WILL finish it, and I hope that in the end I'm proven wrong and feel completely embarrssed that I totally dissed a Classic.

I'll let you know.

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