Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bye-Bye Rocker-Chick, Hello Little Girl!

I cut Mackenzie's hair today. It was WAY past due. Her hair is curly and it has a tendency to turn into dreadlocks by the end of the day. It's been long since she was about 5, but last fall, when her school picture came back I noticed that she had a bit of a "rocker chick" edge to her. So I trimmed it. It looked better, but still not great. I could only trim it because her dad has a thing about her hair being long.

What is that anyway? Daddies requiring their baby's hair to be long... Even if it looks like hell. I've seen a zillion little girls with stringy, dirty hair that would look so cute with a short bob but is long because the dad requires his little girl to have long hair. Creeps me out. Freud would have lots to say about that, I'm sure.

So, anyway, here we are, six months later, her hair had grown out again, and the ends looked like a frayed rope. Something had to be done. With or without Daddy's consent. In my defense I submit,

Exhibit A:

Now it looks like this:

I rest my case.

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