Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Crazy In the Capital

So my sister, Alison who is visiting fom Indiana, and I decided to go to Our Nation's Capital today. We took these offspring with us:

The ride on the Metro sounded like lots of fun to them until about 40 minutes into the trip. "How much longer?' "I'm thirsty." "I'm hungry." "I'm bored." "Will there be a tunnel?" But little did we know, the fun was just beginning. We set our compass towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and after 5 blocks, saw about this much* of the White House.

*(Hold your hands up, in front of your face, in the shape and size of a basketball. THAT's how much of the WH you can see.)

That fun lasted about 4 minutes. Then it was time to walk on..."I'm hungry." "My feet are tired." "I'm thirsty." "I don't WANT to ride in the stroller." "I want to go home." "This is boring."

So we walked on. And ignored them. And looked for a restaurant, because we were hungry too. But it appears that our founding fathers weren't very forward-thinking when it comes to planning spaces for future Starbucks/Paneras/Mom & Pop Delis. The real estate was all taken up by super-fancy buildings with limestone, columns, statues, rotundas...But no. I mean NO restaurants. There were a few hot dog stands on the street, but none of us were that desperate.

So we head on around the Washington Monument. It was surrounded by a huge fence and a sign: "Washington Monument closed for renovation. To reopen in Early 2005."

Isn't THIS "early 2005"?

We kept walking.

"I'm hungry." "My feet are tired." "I'm thirsty." "I want to go home." "This is boring."

...and kept ignoring.

In our search for food, we passed the Smithsonian station and jumped on there. We ended up riding the Metro all the way back home and eating at a restaurant right by our house.

And we were still smiling:

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