Thursday, April 29, 2004


Well, it's the time of year that I am continuously going AWOL. Happens every Spring and Fall.

My friends and family on the other side of the world stop hearing from me for extended periods. In the Fall it happens after school resumes - projects that were put off all summer long are picked back up, the thermometer falls below 100 and we slowly creep back outside to enjoy the last hurrah of Summer...

But in the Spring...In the Spring it's the weather. It's been gorgeous here for the last couple of weeks. For a moment in Time each Spring and Fall, Tokyo feels like San Diego - blue skies, a warm breeze, birds chirping, and the whine of a lawnmower off in the distance. That is my idea of Heaven. Before the typhoons rage, the humidity cuts out oxygen, and the legions of mosquitoes appear, families are playing at the park, couples are riding bikes, Moms are walking babies, runners are lurking around every corner.

This is the Time of Year to enjoy just Being.

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