Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Short and Boring

Went to the gym today, for the 2nd day in a row, and I realized it had been a month since I had been there. But I did walk a lot when my mom was here - I should have been tracking those miles...oh, well, too late now. Live and learn.

My throat is killing me, and my neck and ears are starting to hurt. Allergies? Or strep. I'm starting to get nervous. It really hurts. But my eyes have been scratchy for about a week now. The pollen is REALLY flying about out there. My car even has a green haze over it.

My house is still a mess. The weather has been beautiful and I simply don't want to stay in and clean. Any day now, the rainy season will start, and we won't be outside much at all. So for now, it's play outside and do the bare minimum. Later I can deep clean.

Time for bed.

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