Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things I've Seen While Commuting Lately

A black bear
...that turned out to be a really fluffy cow.

A blue horse
...that turned out to be a horse with a blue blanket.

A barn roof barn, just a roof. And half-a-roof at that. I drive past this phenomenon at least 3 times a week and for the life of me can't figure out how this happened. I do have a theory: The side walls of the barn rotted and it collapsed. Then the people were too poor to buy firewood so for the last 5 years, they've just been going out to the barn and pulling board after board out so now, all that's left is the half-a-roof. I am so not making this up. I'll take a photo one of these days.

...Honestly. Same story as the roof. Except that the house is brick and I seriously doubt that anyone burned it.

A TEENY-TINY chapel someone's side yard. Perfect for a TEENY-TINY wedding.

A pancaked black cat least I think it was a cat... Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I just report the facts.

A hawk stomping on something in a roadside ditch
...he was deadly, but beautiful.

A river
...turned into a lake.

An unopened bag of Doritos in the median
...Cool Ranch.

A grandma on a moped
...DUI, do you think?

Six deer
...conferring in a cornfield.

A haunted house
...I have no proof that it was actually haunted, but if I were a ghost, I would totally move in.

Winnie-the-pooh explanation. It is what it is.


Mahala said...

"A grandma on a moped
...DUI, do you think?"

We call those "liquorsicles."

sarah doow said...

I love the image of the hawk ... and the Hell's Angel granny.

Brenda said...

I can understand the half a barn... the half a house, maybe they ran out of money?

Tiny-tiny chapel....for Barbie and Ken?

Road kill... eww

Where was Winnie-the-pooh? Thumbing a ride?

You crack me up.

Paige said...

It's half a house b/c it's probably about 150 years old and the front wall just literally fell off. I've always been going to get a shot of it too. Just never wanted to stop. I've got places to go! People to see!

And honestly, I've been keeping that list for a while and have No Idea what I was talking about when I wrote Pooh down. But if it's there, then I saw it. Maybe a bumper sticker... or one of those creepyashell blow up yard ornaments... Maybe I was driving without any pants on and saw my tattoo....

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

All that commuting may be more interesting if you drive around without pants. Unless you are escorting a child, then, creepy.

And to think- come summer, all you'll see is corn...