Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dear God: Please Give Me a Break. (And by a "break" I don't mean make more of my shit break.)

End of the month reports and billing kicked me in the ass - I have yet to recover.

Dillon's car got totaled (he's ok but a very, very sad boy).

My basement has sprung 2 leaks - there's actually a 1-inch hole under the stairs with a tiny little river running out of it. If it were in my living room, the sound would be very Zen.

Taiko has many symptoms of this: Syringomyelia - he has slowly been degenerating and he had a seizure last night.

Turns out that I (barely) make too much money to qualify for Mac to get 4 years paid tuition at an Indiana University - FYI: I make an absurdly meager salary - Dillon's salary puts the household over, even though his paycheck is irrelevant to me and Mac and goes towards fast food, cigarettes, gas, and insurance.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, those Sundays that I've been working since September and was so excited to have free starting this week have just gone bye-bye with the incredibly bonehead move of One Selfish Person. And because I anticipated having Sundays off, I have taken on a new client and scheduled them for Friday Afternoons. I'm back to one day off a week again. But it was awesome to have 2 days off each week (Friday and Saturday) for the past 2 weeks. Like a mini-vacation to Hawaii... albeit with snow... and bills... and dustbunnies.

And I have to take Lucy in for a check-up on Friday. I suspect they will inform me that I need 4 new tires - I despise buying tires.

I very much would like to go to bed and sleep for a Very Long Time.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Kid! I am so sorry that all of this crap is being heaped on you.
Take care.
P.S. Happy that D is ok. Sad goes away. Broken young man does not.

Anonymous said...

Hole. Ee. Crap.

Glad D's okay. Grimacing on behalf of Taiko. Sad for you on Mac's behalf (College?! She's not THAT old, is she?!) At least the leak is in the basement and easily ignored. And work... well... work always sucks. I certainly don't miss it.

Mahala said...

They say these things come in cycles. I'm hoping it ends soon :)

MaryB said...

Dude. Im so sorry.

Ditto what bec said about broken boys and cars.

Maybe laws will change by the time it is time for Mac to go to college. Beseides, even if they don't, it isnt like she won't be getting a scholarship with all of her brilliance!

Selfish co-workers suck big time!

Thinking of you. hope to see a post that all is looking brighter soon.

Brenda said...

GRRRRR..... CRAP! and more GRRRRRR.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...


I'm so sorry Taiko is sick. Poor doggie.

As far as college goes:
A. she's stil got 4 years to go and
2. Dillion should SURELY be out of your house by then and
C. You'll be making plenty more money by then.

And I'm so glad D is okay but, seriously? How do you total three cars in as many years of driving? Sounds like he needs a bus pass.

As far as work goes, if this person is a moron, can't you force them to do things when they are convenient for you? You being the non-moron and the one nominally in charge?

Let's hope this month is smoother.

Anything is Possible said...

I just responded with super long detailed list. It was lost with my Internet connection. Crud.

Super short recap:

D- So glad he's okay. Boys are not replaceable but cars are. Tell him to be careful!

Taiko- Poor baby! He's such a sweet boy. I hope he feels better soon.

Mac- I agree with MB. She's smart and will get scholarships!

You- Ugh! I can't believe your month has been so trying. And only one day off? Jeez, how do you do it? Take care of yourself.

House- Leaks??? We've got them too. It sucks! I keep waiting for the ceiling to cave in in our kitchen from a recurring leak.

I'm posting this before I get kicked off again. Internet problems this whole week. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man.

(((Paige and kids))).

Prayer offered for a better week and month!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I HATE when everything goes up in flames at once. Yuck. Being a single girl, it seems that's how it is for me's always some shit. Glad D's okay, sorry about the work situation. Selfish-ass-person better get a grip! Hang in there, this too shall pass.