Wednesday, December 13, 2006

On Breaking the Rules

When she got in the car, she looked at me with despair and said, "I got a 'Think Sheet' today." I didn't know what a "Think Sheet" was, but the horror in her eyes led me to believe that it wasn't a Good Thing.

"What happened?"

"I was Bad."

And so the story goes: She didn't feel good at lunch so she didn't want anything to eat. But she did have some gum in her pocket, so she chewed on that but spit it out before returning to class. Where the real trouble began was that she shared it with her friends, Trouble & Sporty, neither of whom spit hers out before returning to class and then got busted faster than you can say, "Bad idea." While up collecting their "Think Sheets" from Ms. K, one of them told on Mac who then was awarded her very own "Think Sheet" to facilitate the pondering of the error of her ways. She was upset that she got in trouble, but more upset that one of her friends snitched on her before she had the chance to fess up herself.

So, in my true Alternative Parenting Style, I took a deep breath, pursed my lips, looked at her, and said, "Well, if the rule is that there is no gum in school, then you shouldn't take gum to school. But as far as this little infraction goes... I don't really care."

And she got a little teary and looked at me with relief in her eyes, and I continued, "It's not like you were stealing. Or vandalizing the school. Or cheating. None of those things are ok. But chewing gum? It's not a big deal."

"But what if the teacher wants to talk with you about it?"

"Well, I doubt she will, but if she does, I'll tell her that I understand you broke a rule, but I just really don't care."

And she started to laugh. And she was ok until about 30 minutes later:

"Mom, remember that time in 4th grade when we got in trouble for talking during class?"


"Well, they said then, that if we ever got in trouble again, it would go on our Permanent Record."

And my mouth dropped open, and I paused a moment to let the enormity of the situation sink in before I asked, "Mackenzie. Do you know what that means?"

And her eyes got wide with fear, "No. What?"

"Absolutely nothing. Your teacher totally made that up." And we both started cracking up. And she felt better. She filled out her "Think Sheet," turned it in the next day, and life as we know it has continued on, even though Mac had gum at lunch.


Anonymous said...

The foundation of my world has been a little rocked with the news of this grave transgression. So I think I'm going to have a square or two of chocolate to calm my nerves.

Candi said...

Tell Mac to fight the oppressors. Chew some gum!

Permanent record.... My ass...

All that says is the teacher is so hard up for control that she is using empty threats...

Anonymous said...

That was funny!

And comforting - glad to know I am not the only derelict parent telling my kids (almost verbatim!) what you told her.

I fell for that permanent record thing in high school too. Thought Id never get into college since I had Central Detention (the DREADED CD!) twice in one year.

Anonymous said...

When I was in high school, two months prior to graduation, I was suspended for 10 days. I was not generally a bad kid. In fact this was the only time that I was in trouble in high school. My guess is that incident is on my record too. Guess what? They still let me out in the world and I have managed to be a productive citizen.

Candi: Well said!

Anonymous said...

I want to know what she wrote on her 'Think Sheet.'

I know rules are rules... but gum chewing.... Okay.. okay... we weren't allowed gum either, but I don't recall ever being called on the carpet for it. I'm with Candi... and the empty threats.

Cheating on tests... might .. might.. go on your record. Heck. Nothing really goes on your record. It just gives the counselors something to discuss when you have to go see them... for something.

Chew More Gum!! Let's have a Chew Gum Mac Day!!!

(sorry.... all typing was done while slightly intoxicated. But all opinions still stand!)

Ericka said...

I absolutely love your stories.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I bet it wasn't even sugarless gum.

She's such a rebel.

Must get that from Tater.

sarah doow said...

Just wanted to add that the top comment was from me. Dunno why it was anonymous, perhaps the computer was feeling shy?

Paige said...

Huh. I knew it was you yesterday - I upgraded to Blogger Beta today and I have no idea why it changed all the non-Blogger-users to anonymous.

The 2nd Anon was MaryB, and the third Brenda. I cannot explain that.

Stupid Blogger.