Saturday, March 08, 2008

It Takes A Village

About two weeks ago, my furnace stopped working. I was on the phone with my sister when I realized it. "Go downstairs," she said. "Your pilot light's probably out."

"Assuming that I do go downstairs, and I take the cover off the furnace, and I bend over and see that the pilot light's out, what the heck do I do then?"

And she thought about it for a sec and started to laugh. "Good point. You better call Dad."

But I didn't want to call my Daddy. I wanted to be a grown-up and not go running to my dad every time I need something. But after I thought about it for about 2 seconds, I realized that I DID need help, and my Dad WOULD be happy to help.

So I called him. "Jim" was here to fix my furnace within 30 minutes.

Then, several days later, I came down with a nasty, nasty flu bug. I was achy and shivery and miserable for almost two weeks. I went to work, then lay on the couch and wished I would die. Without even asking, my mom brought me a giant pot of Magic Chicken Noodle Soup. Then hours later, my sister called. She brought me a massive iced tea from McAlister's Deli because I was so, so tired of 7-Up. Later that night, Mom called and asked if I needed Dad to come pick Mac up and deliver her to school the next morning.

Last Thursday, Mackenzie got out of school at noon. And as I am a Working Single Mom, she had no way home. She called my sister and was delivered to our door, right after school.

There were many reasons I wasn't sure I wanted to move back home after the divorce last year - the Indiana winters, the fact that I have no friends left in town, the midwest conservatism, twenty years of living everywhere but here. I wracked my brain, trying to figure a way to move to San Diego. I considered staying in Virginia.

If I had any lingering doubts that moving home was the right thing to do, the past 2 weeks have put to rest those thoughts. I am so, so grateful to my parents and my sister and her husband, and for everything they do for me and my little unconventional family.


Brenda said...

I think I would just fall apart, if my family moved more than 10 miles away from me. My parents 'winter' in Arizona, but I still have my sister and brother during the winters. Even if I don't 'NEED' them, I do 'WANT' them.

Glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely understand your reservations about moving here to Indiana. The things you listed are right up there on my list of dislikes as well.
Glad your family was there to help out. "That's what friends are for."

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

It's only because you have one of the most super families ever. They are a blessing to you, and you to them. I'm so glad you feel like you arer where you belong.

Paige said...

Thanks girls. I am happy here.

...Well... maybe not exactly "happy," but content and safe. And that counts for almost as much as "happy".

Anything is Possible said...

Your family sounds a lot like mine! I would love to have my family around. I think I say I wouldn't move back to StL because I know it's just not possible right now. Secretly, I'd love to live closer. Also secretly, I love living away from them. I'm a water girl and the Mississippi River doesn't calm me the way the Gulf does. Go figure, right? Someday I'm sure I'll live where I'm meant to be. Can you tell this is a day where I don't really know up from down??

sarah doow said...

Sounds like a wonderful community you have around you. I think that content and safe could well become happy in time.

Anonymous said...

Just now reading this - so sorry you've been sick!

I am glad you have such a great family so close to take care of you, though. That is awesome.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes the very situations you think will make you officially jump on that bridge, turn out to be okay. Been there myself. As I get older I realize how valuable my siblings are too.