Monday, April 18, 2005

Gardening On the Back Burner. Again.

So yesterday was a perfectly beautiful Mid-Atlantic Spring Day.

I spent it in the emergency room with Noodle.

I don't mean to be rude here, but these kids are really cutting into my free time. I was planning on ripping up all the plants in my backyard and putting new ones in with my name on them. The overgrown shrubs are history and will be replaced by an ornamental tree, jasmine, a rose bush or two, hostas, callas, impatiens, ferns, daylillies...I can't wait!

Well, actually, I guess I can. HRH went to a birthday party Saturday night in which they went roller skating. Long story short - she got up, then went down. And broke her fall with her left wrist. She was still favoring it and it was purpley and bumpy on Sunday morning so OFF to the Emergency room we went. Four and a half hours, 3 x-rays, Motrin and a splint later, we were home and the day was over. She was almost disappointed after all that time to only have strained it. I think she was actually hoping it was broken after wasting her entire afternoon at the hospital!

Anyway, she's still a bit sore but in a week or so she'll be good as new.

And my garden will keep.

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