Friday, April 01, 2005

Educational Multitasking

So here's what you do:

You turn on the TV to the History Channel. Then you start cleaning:

~etcetera, etcetera.

Oh, and:

~Painting your toenails is good too. But do it first so they can dry while you're doing all that other crap.

The result is that you learn all sorts of incredibly cool and terribly useless information! I've learned about Count Dracula, Werewolves, Three Mile Island, and Mary Shelly just today (which shows you how much in need of a good wipe-down my house was).

The only real drawback is that you pick up lots of Half-Facts. Because you're not REALLY paying attention. So later, if you want to work some of your newfound knowledge into dinner conversation, you need to remember to keep your contribution short so as to not look like an idiot for only half-knowing what you're talking about. (This admission, I'm sure, will explain a lot to my friends.)

But back on the bonus side, if you have enough to do, the History Channel repeats itself after a couple of hours and you can pick up the missing bits here and there.

I'm already on my second round of Dracula...

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