Thursday, July 29, 2004

Planning On Prozac


Time is slipping by like sand through my fingers.

The summer is almost over but it feels like, here, it never really even got started. We have spent most of the summer preparing for the move...or should I say, series of moves.

Dillon moved permanently, on Tuesday, the 27th, back home to Indiana with my parents. He will begin school there and probably finish out the sememster before moving again, to DC.

Noodle and I are joining him in the next 2 weeks to enroll her in school and wait for Tater to finish up his job here and return to the states as well.

.....It occurs to me here, that I haven't been very forthcoming with our plans for the near future, so here it is, in the nutshell.....

We must leave Japan in November.

Tater's new job will be in DC. But not until April. From January to March he must be in Norfolk. That leaves the kids and I in a state of limbo from November until January at the earliest, April at the latest.

So we decided to send them home to start school in Indiana. Dillon in July, so he can start football practice. Noodle and I in August, in time for her to get over jet-lag before the first day of school. Hopefully, I will come back out here at the end of October for about 3 weeks to pack up the house and say goodbye for real, and then Tater and I will head, separately, to San Diego to pick up our car and drive it across the country.

If all goes according to plan, we will buy a house in DC in early December, the kids and I will move in, and he will go to Norfolk until March...

If all goes according to plan.

So now I have just over 2 weeks to organize my life for the next 5-9 months, during which we will be living out of our suitcases. Think it can be done? Without my needing Prozac?

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