Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I Could-Not, Would-Not Concentrate

I am a nice girl. I am fun. I'm even pretty bright.

But occasionally my synapses completely fail me and I walk around with my head up my ass not knowing what I'm doing from one moment to the next.

I went down to Ft. Belvoir's hospital tonight, to a Pre-Registration for school physicals/sports physicals. Took Dillon's forms, his ID, his records, waited my turn (I was number 10), got what I needed to filled out & stamped, and made an appointment on September 7th for the real physical (because the military doesn't do anything in the most direct manner), and then, an hour later, went home. On the way, I noticed that the high school form that they filled out for me was nowhere to be found. Not in my purse, not on the seat, not on the floor, not in the door...

(Not here, not there, not ANYwhere...)

I looked all over for it. All I can figure is that I stuck it into Dillon's records and it's safely tucked in the the records room at the hospital OR that I set it down while making the appointment and never picked it back up. It's the ENTIRE reason I slogged down there tonight (at rush hour)... The paperwork that is REQUIRED for his appointment. Without it, we'll just be staring a the doctor and he'll be staring back at us thinking, "Wow, this kid's mom is an idiot."

I'll call the head nurse tomorrow, and perhaps the records room, but if they don't find it, I'll be headed back down there NEXT Tuesday night to Re-Pre-Register and get ANOTHER Sports Physical form filled out.

I'd complain, but I really do it all to myself. I should just stay focused All The Time instead of just when it suits me.

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