Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Rare Sighting

Really, it’s not that I don’t WANT to write, it’s just that there is no Time. First of all, since my computer is Mac’s main way of communicating with her friends, it is usually Her Turn and rarely My Turn. I’m working on that problem...

And then, there’s the Job Situation. The Job Search is on, but no bites yet.

...Which is kind of good, as I am leaving in an hour to go to San Diego for 10 days. To visit with Annie. I’ve escaped to her house before. She’s my Hero.

And then there’s the fact that I’m living at home with Mom and Dad (THANKS, BTW!), and with 5 people in the house, there is rarely any private time (we won’t even talk about how many times my phone rings during the day - Hi, Ali!). And since my favorite time to write is in the evenings, when everyone is in bed and it’s dark and quiet and since it doesn’t get dark here until almost 10 and since it’s rarely quiet... you get my point. It’s a puzzler.

Also, I’m just not exceptionally thrilled with this new blog*. There are a few inconvenient glitches in the publishing and limited (for me, anyway) control over the template, and I’m just not Super Duper Thrilled with this whole new setup. Unfortunately, I haven’t found an alternative yet. And there’s little time to research....

Catching on? Anyway, if you’re looking for me, you can find me with Annie, the Evil Queen. I’ve got to go get dressed.

*This post transferred from Old New Blog. It didn't work out.