Thursday, March 13, 2008

7 Days:Day 6: Free Fall

Five years ago, I dove off this bridge. That 30-second feeling is what each day of the past year has felt like to me. In a few weeks, it will be a year since my divorce...

... I think I'm finally on the upswing.

For 7 Days.


Anything is Possible said...

You are most definitely on the upswing. I'm happy to hear the 'stomach dropping out feeling' is finally passing. Here's to the year of Paige (I'm toasting with milk, hope that's okay!)!!!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

That year flew by, at least from this seat. I know you've had some long days, but I'm so glada your footing is once again solid.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have thought that was something you would do... and I don't know why.


And strangely, considering I'm deathly afraid of heights, I think I'm jealous...

MaryB said...

Girlfriend, I can relate to that free-fall feeling much more than you know. ( I can not and will not ever blog about it) As usual, you are able to put into coherent words emotions and feelings (mental and physical) that I simply cannot ascribe words to. You have such a gift in that way. And, I will be using this description in my upcoming therapy sessions.

You are a brave, brave woman. I admire that more than you know. This is why the Year of Paige really is a celebration of strength and independence. Only, sorry Rach, Im not toasting with milk...