Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7 Days:Day 5: Me and My Really Big Necklace

The theme for today was "Me and My..."

Wow. I REALLY couldn't decide which photo to post today. I worked all day then had to go to Mac's 7th grade swim banquet. Then, I came home and took 2 rounds of pictures but I just couldn't get in the groove. Mac and I decided we liked this one best. It'll do.

For 7 Days.


MaryB said...

Okay 5 days and 5 conclcusion. you should quit your jab and become a model.

You are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, you could be a photographer like I been preaching for several years now!

Anything is Possible said...

What a pretty necklace! I love really big necklaces. I have one that I found in a jewelry box my mom gave me years ago. I finally decided to wear it while I was pregnant with Bug. I found out it belonged to my grandma when she was a young chick! It's become my 'pregnancy' necklace. I thought it brought good luck but now I think it brings big babies. Oh well, it's pretty.

Paige said...

MB - Thank you so much. You always make me feel so good.

Rach - That is a great story. What a special necklace! You should definitely leave it in the jewelry box right about now, though. You don't need any more big babies.

Anything is Possible said...

Bigger is always better, right? No? It's all Jas's fault for being so darn tall. Thankfully, he's skinny too.