Sunday, January 27, 2008

Geography ala Grandma Hazel

I spent almost 3 hours of my day today killing time at a McDonalds in Attica, IN. (I have a very important job* that requires me, on occasion, to go somewhere, pop in, then make myself scarce for a couple hours before I re-pop. And as the library in Attica is closed on a Sunday (actually, I just assumed that it was closed because the other libraries in this particular county and a couple of surrounding counties are closed on Sundays... huh. I should check on that.))

Anyway, while at aforementioned McDonalds, the church crowd (or to be exact, two different waves of church crowds (talk about some racy clothes there - deep in the midwest, low-income city, churchy folk - yikes)) flowed through while yours truly sat and wrote reports alone at a table-for-two. When I arrived, there was already an older couple sitting across the aisle from me, on the same side of the table, facing everything that was behind me. And I hear the woman say, "They're from Asia."

And the husband said, "Mexico, I think."

And the woman replied, "Nooo, Asia. That's where China and Korea and Hong Kong and all those little island-places are."

And I listened to them debate for a couple of minutes more where Asia was and what countries were involved until I just couldn't stand it anymore and turned around to see the Asians who had started such controversy in a small, historical, river town.

And they were Latino. Which led me to wonder what they were doing in Asia...


I'm not really done talking about the phenomenon I witnessed today - let's recap: a city which shares a name with a dangerous prison, a church crowd, bad clothes, midwest hair, and the freakiest thing of all - the entire patonage (each wave considered separately, of course) of McDonalds knew each other well enough to stop at tables to inquire about Aunt Milly, or to switch seats thereby mixing up the mingling, to scoot a baby, still in it's highchair, across two rows of tables so as to situate it closer to grandma (?). There was even hollering (yes, there was 'hollering') across the restaurant. There was kissing goodbye and harried moms. It was all very Felliniesque and it creeped my shit out.

*On re-read, this sounds pompous - I was going for sarcastic...


Mahala said...

It sounds alot like the little diner here. I HATE going in there, everyone knows everyone else.

Brenda said...

I was getting the sarcasim.

Sounds like the town my ex-in-laws live in.

Chris Cactus said...

I read that first paragraph way too fast. Instead of "pop" I saw "poop" and thought, briefly, that I had a very incorrect idea about what you did for a living.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

And these are likely the nicest folks in town. Did it give you an Atsugi vibe? It sounds like the food court to me...

Anything is Possible said...

It does sound a lot like Atsugi! Wow, flashback.

My hometown sounds a lot like Attica. Everyone knows everyone else. And I'm sure anyone not sporting a mullet would have to be scrutinized.