Sunday, January 06, 2008

Avoid Me

Within one hour of getting home from work today, I:
  • smashed both of my pointer-fingers in a 200-pound* window...
  • got a metal splinter in my thumb and then couldn't find my splinter tweezers...
  • broke Mame's fish bowl, allowing 1 gallon of stinky fish-water to cascade over my cabinets, into my cabinets, onto the floor, under the stove, and leaving Mame floppping around perilously close to shards of glass...
  • and almost broke a pane of glass in my front door when I opened it too far, smashing it against a wrought iron candle holder...
You should just steer clear of me today.

*may be a slight exaggeration


Anonymous said...

Holy shards of glass, Paige! I hope your fingers and Mame are all OK, and that tomorrow involves NO BREAKING THINGS.

Anonymous said...

Uh, that was supposed to be me. Stupid comment form published before I was ready. :-)

Anonymous said...

Stay away from pointy things for the next 24 hours! Also, wipe very carefully.

Anonymous said...

Just an idea, but maybe you should MOVE the wrought iron candle thingy.

Poor Mame, did you find her a new home?

But more importantly, poor you! I'd tell you to do a little circle turning dance whilst hopping on one foot for good luck but somehow, I doubt you'd accomplish it.

Anonymous said...


Mame...I hadn't heard of her? What kind of fish is she?

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

This is the universe's way of telling you to go to bed early. Be careful tomorrow and use plastic cups.

sarah doow said...

Momentarily confused, because I thought Mame might be a grandmother, but then she was flopping about on the floor. So I concluded that Mame was the fish.
I think that's enough breaking things for now, btw.

Paige said...

You will all be glad to know that even on 4 hours of sleep today, I didn't break, bruise, or destroy a single object.

Stay tuned for more breaking news tomorrow...


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Dude, you should change your ringtone to Fergie's "Clumsy". Just as idea...