Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Here and Now

Did you ever have one of those days...?

Where you'd rather be somewhere else, with someone else, doing something else?

I felt like that all day yesterday, with the result that to keep my mind off of it, I worked from 8-4, then came home and scurried around until 1am. I took down my Christmas tree, unpacked the 12 boxes of books sitting in the corner of the dining room (finding a boat-load of socks, underwear and bras that the packers used for filler in the boxes), moved and filled a bookcase, redecorated the empty spaces my absent Christmas decorations left, cleaned up the kitchen, reorganized my sock, underwear and bra drawers (see above), and drank 2 glasses of wine.

Finally, at 1:17am, the 29th was over and I could go to bed. I think I fell asleep immediately, but slept restlessly and woke up with the same brooding thoughts that haunted me in my sleep. There is still much to do, and Dillon comes home today (Mac not until the 2nd), so I need to get moving. I'm hoping that the constant activity will help keep my mind off of what I'm missing and on the here and now.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Please give D a big birthday hug and kiss for me when he gets home! I'm sorry you are still feeling out of space and time.

Anything is Possible said...

Hopefully life will feel complete once both kids are home again. Happy New Year...almost!

Anonymous said...

So, next time you find that you are going to be home alone, give me a call and maybe I can take a road trip for a girlfriend weekend.

Paige said...

Bec! You are brilliant! I will do just that.