Friday, March 02, 2007

Then and Now. Now Kind of Sucks.

It's 9:15 Friday night.

I just got up from a 90-minute nap.

Twenty years ago, I would have been upstairs in my closet picking out some Club Wear (probably to include a mini-skirt of some sort), then off to the bathroom to apply frosty blue eyeshadow before the coup-de-gras: Aqua-Net on my Big Bangs, completing the Classic 80's Look.

Tonight, I'm having a sensible snack and counting the minutes until I can really go to bed, with no regret for missing the Friday Night Bar Scene.

So sad.


Irish Eyes said...

1) Sorry for ignoring you. Hectic week.

2) My roommate and I stayed in (on the first sixty degree day in months) and watched WifeSwap tonight. You're not alone.

3) You want to go to the bar? I'll take you to the bar.

: )

Anonymous said...

Bars are overrated.

Anonymous said...

So. Fucking. Bored.

I think I'll try the bar scene... if I can conjure up some sort of bar buddy.

Thanks for the idea!


Brenda said...

Bars are overrated, but sleeping is NOT overrated. I love it!

And... please... please... you must have a picture of your Big Bangs Classic 80's look. I must see this!

I sort of missed the 80's. Not in.. I Miss the 80's. I just missed them. 4 of my 5 kids were born in the 80's. I have no clue what was going on in the world.

So... ya.. PICTURE!

Candi said...

Let me remind you of the rest of the night...

You go to the bar.

DRUNK guy hits on you.



Then pukes on the floor.

You get home and your shoes are sticky.

So are your feet.

But you know I'd be there to dance with you in a hearbeat :)

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I miss sleep. You can have the bar scene.

Paige said...

Dudes. I'm not saying I want to be out at the bars... I'm saying I'd rather not spend my Friday night napping.

...Like a grandma...