Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Times, They Are A'Changin'


It seems that the time has come for me to let you all know what's been going on. There are some things that you can't decide if they should be published on the internet for all to see, or if you should just let word-of-mouth take over. But then I realized that if I was counting on word-of-mouth, then Brenda in Portland and Sarah in England probably wouldn't hear, and Emily would wonder why I never showed up in Southern California. And then it occured to me that some of my future posts wouldn't make much sense if I didn't include this post as a new chapter in Cartwheels At Midnight:


Tater and I are divorcing and and going our separate ways, him to San Diego and the kids and I to Indiana. I'll stay here in the house until Dillon graduates in June and Mac finishes her 6th grade year, then we'll move in with my parents (AGAIN), who are undeniably the Best and Most Patient Parents Ever, until I can get a job and get back on my feet. D will start college there with the intention to transfer to an art school the following year, and Mac will head to Middle School and be my #1 Roomie.

I don't really have anything else to say about this - it is what it is, and is for the best.


(7:39pm - I just re-read this and it looks a little sad (I was going for straight-forward). I want you to know that it is mutual and amicable - we are actually getting along better than we have in years. There is no fighting and there are no lawyers. We are using an arbitrator and have reached a settlement. Please don't worry about me - this is a road we've been traveling down for many years and it's the right thing to do.)


Brenda said...

Incoming email.

You're in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I realize I never comment, but I do read faithfully every day, so I feel as though I know you. My thoughts are with you.

Irish Eyes said...

your strength is inspiring.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You know where I am whenever you need me.

Anything is Possible said...

I'm so sorry Paige. Your news came as a shock to me. I am glad things are amicable, no one needs the excessive fighting on top of everything else. Of course I'm still going to worry about you. So please, if you need anything don't hesitate to let us know.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be surprised or sad or... something but a) that mean having some sort of emotion and b) well, I had already assumed.

But seriously, how could you think you could keep blogging and NOT say it? What? You just up and moved into your parents house in Indiana? Yeah. Right.

Well, then again, I guess that IS pretty self explanatory. Whatever. Honesty appreciated.

Candi said...

Hugs, smiles, drinks. Wash, rinse, repeat. Whatever you need...

And I thought of this in the car yesterday...

No. Inlaws.

Damn. Huge. :) Evil laugher ensued.....

Ericka said...

As a divorcee I know what it's like, and just know that you and the kids of course)are in my thoughts and prayers. As amicable as it might be, it still never prepares you for change. And that in itself can be scary.

Hang in there, keep smiling and know that you have lots of internet-friends that are here for you.

Anonymous said...

Okay so Pat and I stared at the screen and then each other. We both got tears in ours eyes and could not speak. I guess what you need to know is that we love you and pray that you hurt only a little and know you are loved a lot. Kindly, L & P

Anonymous said...

I realize this seems odd coming from a complete stranger but....I am more than happy for you that it is amicable.

Not wanting to sound la te da nor hammy/hallmarkish, hoping you have a relaxing drink and fresh air ahead for you.

Life's Good said...

Yes, Paige, I add my sentiments to these. I am sorry life has not been easy for you lately, but know that I am thinking of you and will pray for you as you transition through this new season in your life. My heart aches for you, but I know you are a strong woman and you are an amazing mother to those two lovely children of yours.

Bless you heaps.

love, Valerie

Paige said...

Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your kind thoughts and words.

This is definitely a daily struggle and as optimistic as I was on Saturday, today was equally miserable.

Tomorrow should be better.

Anonymous said...

(((Paige))). You know you all are in my prayers.

Candi said...

Haven't stopped thinking about you.

I am a little glad that we now have no proof that "Steak And A Blow Job" day was ever really a good idea.

Chris Cactus said...

I'm sorry to hear that. You guys need anything, you let me know, okay?

sarah doow said...

Sad news to read, Paige - all four of you are in my thoughts and I hope you're all ok.

Anonymous said...

best of everything from me to you. no lawyers is how my ex and i do it. we saved a ton of money and a ton of heartache.

DebbieDoesLife said...

More power to you! Go out and get the life you want. Sorry for the troubles but I am NOT the person who will ever say "stay together no matter what". Life is too frickin' short.

Take care.