Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Everyone Who Is Wondering How I Ended Up In A Gay Bar Sunday Night, Keep Reading. You Others, Move Along.

So. I have this friend, J. J is gay and, dare I say, more effeminate than I. He lives here in my neighborhood and we got to be friends when I started working at the Homeowners Association and he came in to pay his dues (instead of spending the 39 cents to mail it like the cheap bastard he is). Anyway, I immediately liked him and we started talking. First about "where are you from", then "what's your partner like", and then, eventually about Brazilian Waxes. He says he gives a mean Brazilian Wax. I'll have to take his word for it. Not because I'm afraid for him to see my Hoo-Ha, but because the Brazilian Wax scares the bejeezus out of me and I am a wussy-girl.

Eventually, it became May and I mentioned how I needed to go shopping because I wanted to buy a new dress for Bronwyn's Retirement Ceremony, at which point, he said, "Hey! Why don't you come over and you can pick out one of my dresses!"

I was rendered speechless. For longer than socially acceptable.

Finally, I spit out, "Why do you have dresses?"

"Because I'm a Drag Queen."

I think I giggled a little bit and got lost in my own thoughts imagining him all dolled up in feathers and organza, high heels and red lipstick. That cracked me up again and the giggling persisted.

When I came out of my reverie, I did not take him up on the offer of coming to look at his dresses. Not because I didn't think he'd have anything appropriate (his wardrobe includes Ann Taylor), but because of the possibility for life-altering shame if J's clothes happen to be too small for me. My delicate psyche could not handle that circumstance.

Finally, last Friday, it occured to me to ask J when his next show was. Conveniently enough, it was Sunday night and a Holiday to boot! Drag shows, drinking, AND sleeping in on a Monday! Labor Day Nirvana!

So that's what we did.

And she was awesome.


Candi said...

You know, sometimes I read your stories and just think "Huh." Of course a drag queen would offer for you to pick from his line of Ann Taylor - why wouldn't he. How do these situations find you??

I can TOTALLY see you giggling and then reminding yourself and giggling more and he's still standing there... :)

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

This sounds completely reasonable to me. I bet he's got smaller hips than you cause he hasn't birthed two babies. Nothing more depressing than boys who wear a smaller size pencil skirt than you do. Glad you had a fabulous time.

Paige said...

Jes~ Totally happened that way. You know.

Annie~ From now on, I come to you with my big butt issues.

Betty~ If Gary refuses (he may not be ready to go there), you can share J. He's got enough personality to go around.

Anonymous said...

And I'm SO sorry I was out of town...I wanna come next time, otay??

She really is quite lovely...

John said...

Of COURSE he's a drag queen.


But I dare say you must have more confidence in yourself. I'm sure you can fit into his clothes. Perhaps even have better ones.

And if that all ends up failing you, you have real breasts. So there.

Paige said...

Darling John. Oh, you of the nievete of the Woman-Ass. I know my butt is bigger than J's because on Sunday night it was looking so good I had to squeeze it. Verdict - I will NEVER fit into his pants.

But true stuff. I do have boobies and he doesn't. What he does have are $525-dollar-extra-protrusion-nipple mastectomy breasts. Until last week, I didn't know there was such a thing.

Also, I squeezed those too and they are VERY lifelike. Better, than life, in fact.

g/\r*e said...

HI! Sorry I'm late on the commenting.... Ummm I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go there because thats not my style but...does anyone know if it pays good?? I have some bills I need to catch up on.
