Tuesday, February 03, 2004

The Day School Evacuated

Never a dull moment here.

I got a call from Tater today about 12:45. He said the CO just informed him that the elementary school had been evacuated to the base gym and that I needed to go and pick up Noodle for the rest of the day. The story is that there were 2 suspicious men on the playground so they evacuated the kids while it was checked out. This is the 2nd time this has happened since we've been here. The first time, the kids sat at the gym with nothing to do for about 4 hours while the parents were, literally, blocks away and could have picked them up. They didn't inform us.

Anyway, so I rescued Noodle and her friend, Torrey, at 1, and they spent the rest of the day playing and at Brownies. They didn't even have to do homework because they were evacuated during lunchtime and their backpacks were left in the classrooms! What a deal!

The word is that the "situation" has been resolved and the kids will return to school tomorrow.

And all's well that ends well.

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