Saturday, November 15, 2003

The Day of the iPod

Today was a rainy "relax" day.

Well, for the kids and I. Tater went into work.

Dillon watched tv, IM'd his friends, listened to music (teenagers!), and then left on the train to Sagamihara for his weekly visitation with his best friend Milton. I think they were headed off to Machida to hang out at Starbucks and look cool.

Mac watched Cartoon Network (the downfall of our youth's intelligence). And then read. She is reading "Ralph S. Mouse" right now and I'm reading "The Lake House" by James Patterson. We just finished "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" and it's a good thing, too. We were starting to get obsessed. Not eating, not playing...only reading.

I read for a bit and then balanced the checkbook. And it was just in the nick of time, too. It had seriously been 2 months. I NEVER do that.

HELLO! Wake up out of that coma!



Three hours later.....

Tater came home, we went to Zama shopping and guess what I got?!?!?! But it's really for Christmas.

I got an iPod!! :) The BIG one. :) I've been jonesing for it for about 6 months holds 10,000 songs! I'm not even sure I KNOW 10,000 songs.

Ok - I've got to go. My family is being obnoxious and distracting me.

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