A black bear
...that turned out to be a really fluffy cow.
A blue horse
...that turned out to be a horse with a blue blanket.
A barn roof
...no barn, just a roof. And half-a-roof at that. I drive past this phenomenon at least 3 times a week and for the life of me can't figure out how this happened. I do have a theory: The side walls of the barn rotted and it collapsed. Then the people were too poor to buy firewood so for the last 5 years, they've just been going out to the barn and pulling board after board out so now, all that's left is the half-a-roof. I am so not making this up. I'll take a photo one of these days.
...Honestly. Same story as the roof. Except that the house is brick and I seriously doubt that anyone burned it.
...in someone's side yard. Perfect for a TEENY-TINY wedding.
A pancaked black cat
...at least I think it was a cat... Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I just report the facts.
A hawk stomping on something in a roadside ditch
...he was deadly, but beautiful.
A river
...turned into a lake.
An unopened bag of Doritos in the median
...Cool Ranch.
A grandma on a moped
...DUI, do you think?
Six deer
...conferring in a cornfield.
A haunted house
...I have no proof that it was actually haunted, but if I were a ghost, I would totally move in.
...no explanation. It is what it is.